Mindful magazine

June 2016| Issue №


beautiful cottage deck on sunny day
Space to Breathe 

When it comes to designing the perfect home, architect Sarah Susanka focuses less on size, and more on creating beauty and meaning with every square foot. She reveals how little spaces can do big things. Read More 

  • Sam Littlefair
  • August 24, 2016
Protesters holding hands to show their stance against racism. Black and white person holding hands during protest.
Healing Racial Fault Lines 

How the simple act of sharing personal stories can help uncover divisive thoughts buried deep within ourselves. Read More 

  • Barry Yeoman
  • August 11, 2016
illustration ant picnic
Living with, and Loving, Your Imperfect Life 

Mice in your kitchen, ants at the picnic, screaming children, losing your temper, grouchy boss—life is full of imperfections. And yet it’s uncanny how hard we try to keep everything tidy and together. In fact, when we start to loosen up our habits of perfectionism we discover strength and resilience within. Read More 

  • Mark Bertin
  • July 22, 2016


The reach of mindfulness is constantly expanding and Mindful Magazine plays a critical role in this growth. Mindful Magazine is a great resource and support for everyone teaching, practicing, learning, and being introduced to mindfulness.

Ali Smith, Holistic Life Foundation

Mindful has become a really important resource for me and my own family. My own mother reads it, which is quite shocking to me, that my mother reads Mindful magazine, never having expressed any interest in this topic before. But I think it says something about the skill with which you can bring this topic to a wide audience and help people feel comfortable with what might seem like exotic strangeness to some. What you do is make it so accessible and so human that how can it not be the success that it’s become.

Jeremy Hunter, Assistant professor of practice at the Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management at Claremont Graduate University.

Mindful has already helped tremendously in that it has had a major effect in mainstream people recognizing that these practices are human practices and helpful to all of us.

Mirabai Bush, Co-founder of the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society

The work that Mindful has been doing since launching has really been supportive of me and others in the field already. Just having Mindful publication and web resources available really has helped me in the work of mainstreaming mindfulness, normalizing it as a way of supporting effectiveness and thriving in our lives that is accessible to everybody.

Rhonda Magee, Professor of Law at the University of San Francisco, leading presenter in mindfulness for lawyers.


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