Delivering meaningful curated content is one of the best ways to build engagement and deepen relationships. Mindful is here to help realize these benefits for your organization in a simple and impactful way.
The Mindful Content Market Leader
Content from Mindful empowers holistic, self-actuated well-being through curated content crafted to deliver authority, efficacy and engagement. Our content partnerships assist companies looking to deliver high-quality, on-brand information about mindfulness to their audiences.
Why Mindful?
The source of the information you deliver matters. Mindful is the leading source of practical resources and inspiration for bringing mindfulness into everyday life.
Mindful hosts over 9,000 pieces of original content engaging more than 2 million people every month across dozens of platforms.
With guided meditations, expert insights, inspiration, interviews and more, Mindful will provide meaningful, useful content to benefit your community today and into the future.
We Provide Flexible Options for a Custom Fit
Are you looking to produce content for internal audiences, public content, or both? We can help.
Mindful will also work with you to determine the best level of content customization.
Existing Content
Mindful’s pre-existing content can be curated or customized to meet specific goals.
Custom Content
With a knowledgeable team of writers, editors and instructors, Mindful brings the expertise to create custom content that will resonate with your community.
The best part? Mindful is already recognized as a thought leader in the field. And we bring with us the leading teachers, coaches and authors.
That means we can help uplift your organization too, with the support of the biggest names in the growing mindfulness movement.