For Bunting, nothing proves that mindfulness has moved from the margins to the mainstream than the launch of an all-party parliamentary group on mindfulness.
“What interests us—academics, journalists, mindfulness teachers—is the potential for public policy,” notes Bunting, as well as “the role mindfulness could play” in schools, health care, and the justice system. Bunting is working with three universities supporting the group. Read the full essay, “Why we will come to see mindfulness as mandatory.”
The launch of the all-party parliamentary mindfulness group comes on the heels of the UK Education Minister giving a nod to introducing and promoting mindfulness in schools.
Impressed? Here in the U.S., Congressman Tim Ryan of Ohio, author of A Mindful Nation, is working to infuse politics with mindfulness. Here’s a peek at our cover story about why Congressman Tim Ryan believes it’s time for Americans to find quiet—for their own well-being and for the good of the country: “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Mindfulness,” from the June 2013 issue of Mindful magazine.