Health Care New & Improved: A new generation of patients and doctors is changing the face of American medicine. It’s about more than curing disease now—it’s health for the whole person.
Resources for Integrative Health Care: Check out these authors, organizations, and videos for more ways to treat your body (and mind) right.
Chronic Pain: How to Hurt a Little Less: When we become patients, we experience greater pain and limitation, but how we respond can make all the difference, says Susan Bauer-Wu. Barry Boyce reports.
Healing the Whole Person: It’s caring, it’s cost-effective, and it works. Is integrative medicine the future of health care? Kelly McGonigal explores this emerging field of medicine.
What the U.S. health care system needs: “A whole new kind of medicine”:Mindful’s interview with Matthew Heineman, one of the filmmakers of Escape Fire: the Fight to Rescue American Healthcare.
Mindfulness and Your Health: They go hand in hand, say Ed Halliwell and Jonty Heaversedge.
Post-Diagnosis: 7 Tips for Waiting on the Doctor :Author Joni Aldrich shares tips for getting through the healing process.
Practicing with Cancer: Mindful‘s Editor in Chief, Barry Boyce, explains how mindfulness teacher Elana Rosenbaum turned a cancer diagnosis into an opportunity to help others live.
This web extra provides additional information related to an article titled, “Health Care: New & Improved,” which appeared in the April 2013 issue of Mindful magazine.