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Inner Calm: The Key is Letting Go 

Allowing our emotions to arise, be felt, and dissolve helps us cultivate equanimity. From this place of balance, we’re more resilient to what life throws at us. Read More 

  • Shalini Bahl
  • January 10, 2024
The Power of Leading with Appreciative Joy - Image of three wooden blocks on a blue background with facial expression drawn on them. A hand holds a magnifying glass over the one with a happy face.

The Power of Leading with Appreciative Joy 

It’s not always easy to show up with genuine happiness and gratitude, especially when we’re facing personal or organizational challenges. That’s why appreciative joy is powerful: By seeing the good even in adversity, we gain a balanced perspective, harmony, and resilience. Read More 

  • Shalini Bahl
  • July 6, 2022

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