Mindfulness and Stress Management—Start Here

Need help dealing with stress? You've come to the right place.

Mindfulness and your health: They go hand in hand, say Ed Halliwell and Jonty Heaversedge.

VIDEO: What to Expect from Meditation: How can meditation help you deal with whatever is stressing you out? Watch this short animated YouTube video, where clinical meditation consultant Andy Puddicombe tells you what you can expect from meditation.

Befriending Fear: Working with Worry and Anxiety: The fear-response is a powerful emotional and physiological reaction that can be triggered by more than just an imminent physical threat. Ronald D. Siegel, PsyD, explores the human response to fear, and shows us how mindfulness can help manage it.

Invite Kind Attention In: Susan M. Orsillo, PhD, and Lizabeth Roemer, PhD discuss developing the skills of mindfulness in order to bring kind attention into your daily life.

Anxiety Soup: For times troubled with everything from Wall Street meltdowns to very inconvenient truths, Alice Walker, author of The Color Purple, gives us her recipe for finding equanimity.

Mindfulness: The Basics: Now that you’ve read how mindfulness can help, perhaps you would like to learn more about it. Here’s the perfect place to start. Whether you’re new to mindfulness practice or not, this collection of articles is a great foundation for your daily practice.

Want more? Visit our Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction section, and see posts by “On Mental Health” blogger Elisha Goldstein.

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