One Year Into the Pandemic, Here’s How We’re Tapping Into Compassion

Wherever you are, whatever your circumstances, we're sharing these practices to help you find ways to plug into connection, kindness, and care.

Last March, brought mindful leaders from across the country together for an online meditation series called Mindful@Home. As they hunkered down in their homes, they sent peace, calm, and love to us in our homes.

One year later, their teachings still offer us the opportunity to deepen our practice and experience the power of mindfulness.

20 Guided Meditations for Calm and Resilience

Anne Alexander — A 5-Minute Breathing Practice for Calm

Mitch Abblett – A 30-Minute Mindfulness Practice for Fear

Mirabai Bush – Cultivating Connection at Home

Barry Boyce – A 20-Minute Touch and Go Practice for Difficult Emotions

Bob Stahl – Living with Wisdom in Uncertain Times

Christopher Willard – A 25-Minute Practice to Slow Down

Shelly Tygielski – How to Structure Your Day While at Home

Sharon Salzberg – A 30-Minute Loving-Kindness Meditation

Dr. Mark Bertin – Mindfulness for Healthcare Workers

Rhonda Magee – A Guided S.T.O.P. Practice

Cara Bradley – A Simple Practice to Move Your Body Before You Meditate

Elisha Goldstein – 7 Ways to Ease Your Anxious Mind

Linda Graham – 3 Practices to Find Calm and Equanimity

Stefanie Goldstein and Elisha Goldstein – 7 Things Mindful Families do Differently

Willem Kuyken – Keeping a Cool Head and Warm Heart in Challenging Times

Pilar Gerasimo – A Mindfulness Practice to Shift Your Grip

Diana Winston – A 15-Minute Meditation to Cultivate Equanimity

Laurie J. Cameron – Self-Compassion in Uncertain Times

Mirabai Bush – Mindfulness and Compassion

Michelle Maldonado – Creating a New Normal, Compassionately

Elaine Smookler – A 30-Minute Body Scan Meditation

Kelly Barron – A 25-Minute Meditation to Savor the Moment

Stefanie Goldstein – A 20-Minute Grounding Meditation

Shamash Alidina – Mindfulness for Challenging Times

More resources

The Brain Science of Attention and Overwhelm

The Brain Science of Attention and Overwhelm 

We’re living in Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous times. Neuroscientist Amishi Jha explains ten ways your brain reacts—and how mindfulness can help you survive, and even thrive. Read More 

  • Amishi Jha
  • November 5, 2020
Mindful Mask Practice
Physical Health

A Mindfulness Practice for Wearing a Mask 

Pulmonologist Ni-Cheng Liang takes a look at how the breath—a common anchor of attention in meditation—can be triggering. Explore her masking practice to calm feelings of anxiety and stress when we’re unable to comfortably connect with the in or out breath. Read More 

  • Ni-Cheng Liang
  • July 20, 2020

Read More


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Mindful Staff

Mindful Staff editors work on behalf of Mindful magazine and to write, edit and curate the best insights, information, and inspiration to help us all live more mindfully.