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Lean Into Love—Frank Ostaseski stands holding an umbrella in front of a mural that reads,

Lean In to Love 

In this interview with Barry Boyce, beloved teacher Frank Ostaseski shares how his years of mindfulness supported him after a series of strokes transformed his life. Read More 

  • Frank Ostaseski and Barry Boyce
  • December 21, 2021
embracing uncertainty
Fearless Open-Hearted Awareness

How Embracing Uncertainty Leads To Fulfillment 

When we hone our attention to the subtleties of impermanence that are inherent in every breath, we step into our lives with integrity, compassion, forgiveness, and love. Read More 

  • Frank Ostaseski
  • May 25, 2021
becoming more curious
Fearless Open-Hearted Awareness

Becoming More Curious and Less Critical 

Meditation practice isn’t about transformation. It’s about learning how to get to know our lives more intimately and compassionately. Read More 

  • Frank Ostaseski
  • April 5, 2021
Fearless Open-Hearted Awareness

Learning to Love Endings 

By drawing our attention to endings and our developed habits about the way we meet endings, we can learn how to step fully into our lives with appreciation and gratitude. Read More 

  • Frank Ostaseski
  • April 5, 2021
cultivating fierce open receptivity
Fearless Open-Hearted Awareness

Cultivating Fierce Open Receptivity 

Being receptive to all parts of life—good, bad, neutral—introduces more choice into our lives. When we welcome everything we are less likely to rush to judgement and more likely to be informed by life. Read More 

  • Frank Ostaseski
  • April 5, 2021
end of year meditation script

A Meditation on Endings 

By drawing our attention to endings and our developed habits about the way we meet endings, we can learn how to step fully into our lives with appreciation and gratitude, says Frank Ostaseski. Read More 

  • Frank Ostaseski
  • October 23, 2019

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