This is your brain on Internet

Next year, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) will include "Internet Addiction Disorder." A recent Newsweek article takes an in-depth look at research surrounding our digital habits and how they effect our well being.

“Internet Addiction Disorder” will be added to the DSM-5, albeit, in an appendix for “further study.” (The release of the final DSM-5 is expected in May 2013.) Indeed, many studies have emerged in the past decade about the effects of the Internet on our brains and how social media makes us anxious. 

From the Newsweek article:

But the research is now making it clear that the Internet is not “just” another delivery system. It is creating a whole new mental environment, a digital state of nature where the human mind becomes a spinning instrument panel, and few people will survive unscathed.

To read the Newsweek article, “Is the Web Driving Us Mad?” click here. 


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