What method do you use to fall asleep?
42% rely on a body scan, 41% meditate right before bed, 24% drink a cup of chamomile tea, 14% rely on powerful sedatives, another 12% choose a nightcap. Only 6% count sheep—too baaaad.
Do you have a nightly routine?
42% don’t follow any routine, 39% follow theirs to a T, 15% lie awake in bed wondering why they’re not sleeping yet, and 4% turn off all screens by 8:00 (so disciplined!).
What’s your ideal sleeping situation?
64% chose a king-size bed in a luxury hotel, 20% chose the soft sand on the beach, a warm breeze rocking them to sleep (warning: grit in bad places), 10% could sleep on a bed of rocks if they had to, and 6% were adventurous, choosing a tent in the wilderness.
Some answers we liked:
- Gentle rain
- Somewhere snuggly
- My recliner
- I actually DO sleep in a tent in the wilderness every night
- At home with my dogs
- Cool nights and no worries
What’s your favorite synonym for sleep?
- Coma
- Glorious repose
- Feeling human
- Dead to the world
- Pass the f*ck out
- Peace
- Pee time!
- Dreamboat on the river of life in the dark
- Fall into the arms of Morpheus
- Horizontal unconsciousness
- My husband and I call it Cuddle University
- Get flat and check out
- Nappy naps
What’s the funniest thing you’ve heard someone say in their sleep?
- “Boo—I’m a ghost—boo, boo, boo, boo, boo” (whispered in my ear by my dear, dreaming husband)
- “Get the eggs, we gotta get out of here”
- “I’m not running for president. I’m walking the dog”
- “Go and wash your dolls’ toes”
- “Put the baseball bat in the refrigerator”
- My husband saying “bring on the dessert!” in a Julia Child imitation voice followed by a Julia-like laugh!
- “Are you god?”
- “Clowns!!!”
- “He took my toes!”
- “I can fart louder than you”
- I said, “Jump ball dildo”
- “I need the butter, man!”
How often do you remember your dreams?
What’s the best dream you’ve ever had?
- Watching Miles Davis play in São Paulo, Brazil
- Feelin’ financially secure
- I was taking a bath and small suns and moons were in the water with me
- That I quit my job to become an artist
- Having sex with Tom Cruise
- I was the ruler of a great kingdom
- Flying and being in a cozy mystical cottage in the forest
- I dreamt that John Lennon kissed me on a beach
- Performing surgery on a squirrel I found in my driveway. Not sure if the little guy made it!
- My mother was alive and holding my hand
What’s the silliest dream you’ve had?
- Trying to save my purse in a tornado
- Hitler was trying to kill me… That wasn’t so much silly as it was utterly intensely terrifying
- I was a flying eraser
- I was married to my cat
- Winning an air guitar competition
- Bigfoot was a NASA astronaut
- Aliens had chosen me to be their spokesperson
- A killer toaster trying to get me