Mindful Writing: A creative practice to nourish attention and well-being

Stephanie Domet, award-winning author and managing editor for Mindful, shares practical guidance, practices, and prompts to strengthen your existing writing practice, or discover a new creative outlet.

Watch the Video:

Transcript to come.

Mindful Writing Group:

Inspired by the engagement in this workshop, we’ve started a Mindful Writing Facebook group. Click the link below to connect with a community of writers and share your practice.

Whether you are a writer or just someone looking for a creative outlet, or a new way to experience and process your world, this new course is for you. Writing is for everyone!

In her inimitable and remarkable way, Stephanie Domet, award-winning author and managing editor for Mindful Magazine, shares practical and useful guidance, tips, exercises, practices, and prompts to strengthen your existing writing practice, or discover a new creative outlet. With guided contemplative practices that help you pay attention in new ways to the world around you, and the world within you, Mindful Writing takes you on a journey that joins mindfulness and writing, to help you discover a new way of seeing and being in the world.

If you are a writer or hope to become one, this course will be the best investment you ever made. And if you just want to learn more about creating an intentional space for yourself to journal and be mindful, this course will help you fall in love with the practice of writing, and fall in love with yourself along the way. This course is for you if you want to:

  • Find a new creative outlet or expand an existing writing practice
  • Explore the joy of experiencing yourself and the world through writing
  • Make space for being mindful

By enrolling, you’ll learn:

  • How to jump into writing without hesitation
  • To connect to your senses in the present moment
  • Unlock creativity and harness your voice

This self-paced course includes:

  • 20+ instructor-led videos

Writing Prompts:

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Character Questionnaire:

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Guided Practices

A collection of guided practices from Stephanie Domet to explore character, setting, and world creation in your writing.

Writing Exercise: Setting

  • 8:55

Writing Exercise: Character

  • 10:19

Writing Exercise: World Creation

  • 8:31


Read more about mindful writing and journaling.

How to Start a Mindful Journaling Practice - An open journal sits open on a desk
Daily Practices

How to Start a Mindful Journaling Practice 

Writing mindfully can loosen the grip of sticky emotions by bringing them out of the dark. With just a pen and paper, or an app, we can create the habit of being there for ourselves. Read More 

  • Amber Tucker
  • December 23, 2020
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Create a Journaling Habit that Works for You 

Putting our feelings down on paper can seem intimidating, or even daunting. Here’s how to incorporate the art of journaling into your routine—in a way that feels right for you. Read More 

  • Misa Terral
  • January 26, 2021

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More articles from Stephanie Domet.

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How Compassion and Curiosity Help Me to Be Present 

When Mindful managing editor Stephanie Domet was faced with health challenges, she asked “Why me?” Here, she tells the story of how compassionate curiosity helped her find equanimity and resilience. Read More 

  • Stephanie Domet
  • March 21, 2022
terrorizing myself

How I Stopped Terrorizing Myself 

Mindful’s managing editor Stephanie Domet explores how choosing self-compassion in the face of things that go bump in the night, made for kinder days and easier nights. Read More 

  • Stephanie Domet
  • March 15, 2021


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About the author

Mindful Staff

Mindful Staff editors work on behalf of Mindful magazine and Mindful.org to write, edit and curate the best insights, information, and inspiration to help us all live more mindfully.