We can wait a long time for the big moments of our lives to arrive. They are few and far between—a marriage, a birth, a big trip, a graduation. Those milestones that live in our future and in our past and that make up the highlight reel of our lives.
And then there are the days in between—the mundanity that, as Kate Bowler observes, can begin to sparkle when we consider all the moments that make up our time on earth. What happens when we look for the sublime in mundane moments of our lives? We asked illustrator Geraldine Sy to capture the beauty and connection available in even the most basic daily experiences. May this illustrated ode inspire you to love the life you have, in all its ordinary beauty.
5 Ways to Find Joy in the Mundane Moments of Life
1. Notice moments of play
Savor the feeling of the air on your skin, the sounds of children’s voices raised in exuberant play, the scent on the breeze, the reminder that not everything needs to be taken seriously.
2. Grow your gratitude
Consider what goes into the piece of fresh produce you hold in your hand—sun, rain, wind, pollination, cultivation, selection, harvest. All the hands that worked to put that piece of produce in yours. Engage all your senses, including your sense of gratitude.
3. Savor the beauty of nature
Connect with wonder at the natural world. Feel the earth beneath you, the way night air feels, the silence around you. Marvel at the industry of fireflies, the light they bring to the darkness.
4. Slow your roll
Take a moment to see the world from a canine’s-eye view. Tune in to the scents, sights, and sounds of a simple dog walk, and let yourself feel the excitement your furry friend is bringing to this daily experience.
5. Connect with love
Drop into a moment of connection with a friend, and with your surroundings. Whether the conversation is deep or light, see if you can be fully present, noticing your surroundings, your companion, the taste of your coffee, how it feels to be with someone who loves you as you are.
Coming Undone But Not Unmade
Accepting the finitude of our lives can grind our plans to a halt and make every single moment more precious, writes Kate Bowler, especially when it’s impossible to know how many moments we have left. Read More
4 Ways Noticing What’s Present Can Boost Gratitude
Explore these quick reflections as ways to bring more awareness of gratitude to any moment. Read More
The Importance of Noticing Small Moments of Beauty
How taking the time to appreciate moments of joy and connection transformed author Jane Anne Staw’s life—and her relationship with the world, one small encounter at a time. Read More