You can download the conference brochure and stay tuned on Facebook and Twitter.
Some conference highlights:
Dr. Daniel Siegel (author of the forthcoming book Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain), will offer a keynote talk on Saturday afternoon following the regular sessions. Dan is a noted neuropsychiatrist and author who has written and spoken extensively on the topic of mindfulness and the brain.
The conference also includes a talk from Congressman Tim Ryan (D-Ohio), who was featured in Mindful’s June 2013 issue.
Friday night’s public lecture by renowned meditation teacher and author Sharon Salzberg (also free for conference attendees) has shifted format with the addition of Tim Ryan (Saturday’s lunchtime speaker). Sharon and Tim will be presenting together on “Mindfulness, Our Youth and the Future of Citizenship in the World”. This evening with Tim and Sharon promises to be a lively and engaging exploration of the power and potential of mindfulness for our youth and for our future.