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How to let someone take care of you

Why It’s So Hard to Let Others Care For You 

One of the hardest things to do is to admit you need help— second only to receiving that help when it’s offered. Here’s a practice to help you remember that you deserve to be cared for. Read More 

  • Patricia Rockman and Evan Collins
  • October 3, 2019

How We Learn To Observe Our Own Biases 

Mindfulness is often taught to and by middle-aged white women, but some of the most intense and interesting work is being offered to diverse and disenfranchised communities—bringing our cultural and class biases out into the open. Read More 

  • Patricia Rockman and Evan Collins
  • September 3, 2019
woman taking selfie

Has Mindfulness Become Too Self-Involved? 

Mindfulness isn’t all about self-improvement—It’s about remembering we’re all connected. Here are 10 ways to put compassion in action in your community. Read More 

  • Patricia Rockman and Evan Collins
  • August 1, 2019
Mindfulness Research

Why Cancer Survivors Need Mindfulness 

Serious illness often marks both body and mind: Mindfulness helps us to face what we would rather not: learning from the unwanted, perhaps even being enriched by it. Read More 

  • Patricia Rockman
  • October 23, 2018

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