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The science of curiosity

The Science of Curiosity 

The thrill of curiosity can motivate us to learn—or it can send us hurtling into rabbit holes and habit loops. Dr. Judson Brewer breaks down what this inner drive has to do with shifting our most ingrained habits. Read More 

  • Judson Brewer
  • January 6, 2022
Break Bad Habits

Tame Your Feelings of Anxiety 

By understanding the stress and anxiety habit loops present in our lives, we can eventually ease ourselves into different behaviors around these difficult emotions. Read More 

  • Judson Brewer
  • April 2, 2019
Break Bad Habits

Unhook From Your Phone Addiction 

Our phones are masterfully designed weapons of mass distraction, and it’s so easy to get sucked into that distraction—Here's how we can regain control of our attention. Read More 

  • Judson Brewer
  • April 2, 2019
brain’s habit loops
Break Bad Habits

Hack Your Brain’s Habit Loops 

We form habits in a very specific way, which is great news. It means this is a system that can be observed, examined, and even altered. But first we need to understand how it all works. Read More 

  • Judson Brewer
  • April 2, 2019

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