Courses are tailored to professionals, parents and teens. For professionals, programs include in-depth training sessions of the Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction for Teens program, for example. For parents, there is “Mindful Parenting: A Course for Parents of Teens,” geared toward helping reduce parental stress. Teens themselves can take part in the two-hour “The Mindful Teen” class, which teaches mindfulness skills to help reduce teenage stress.
Gina M. Biegel is a California-based psychotherapist currently in private practice in the Bay Area. She adapted the Mindfulness-Based Stressed Reduction (MBSR) program typically for adults for an adolescent population.
Classes begin as early as February for some programs. To have a look at the complete course list and available dates, as well as to register, click here.
Want to know more about mindfulness for teens? Read Gina’s “On Teen Life” Mindful posts.