Hiking with friends while enjoying great conversation and laughter is one of my favorite activities. But unless we make a conscious effort to stop every now and again and really pay attention to where we are and what we are doing, we can miss a tremendous amount. Stopping and consciously engaging our senses when out hiking not only calms and grounds us—relaxing both mind and body—but it also deepens our connection to the natural world. Excuse the cliché, but mindful hiking is really about remembering to stop and smell the roses (or the eucalyptus, as the case may be).
I’ve always loved being in nature. It’s when I feel an almost instantaneous sense of calm and peace, coupled with an intense awareness of being alive. It’s also where I feel happiest and most at ease. One of my most memorable childhood experiences was hiking The Overland Track, a six-day hike from Cradle Mountain to Lake St. Clair in Tasmania with my parents when I was 12. I loved being far away from civilization, carrying a large pack on my back. I was captivated by the breathtaking beauty of the ever-changing landscape—scrambling to the top of Cradle Mountain or sitting by the campfire at night under tall, majestic gum trees. It was a great adventure, one that cemented a life-long love of hiking and the outdoors.
Later, during my twenties, I spent far less time in nature than I would have liked. I didn’t know many people who were interested in hiking and I was too shy to join a hiking group. Around then, I started meditating as a way of relieving stress and anxiety. I’ve since realized that, for me, meditation and being in nature are the two things that, without fail, calm my mind and relax my body.
Spending time in nature has healing and restorative power. Being outdoors increases well-being, helps alleviate stress and anxiety, promotes creativity, assists with recovery from mental fatigue, helps restore attention, boosts the brain’s ability to think, and engages the senses.
While a regular seated meditation practice is a very important part of my life, I find opportunities to practice mindfulness in many other ways. Short, simple mindfulness exercises incorporated into an activity such as hiking are an easy, enjoyable, and surprisingly effective way of being more mindful.
Next time you head out for a hike, why not make it a mindful hike?
Stop Before You Start
We rarely pause between activities. As a result, we can carry the stress and tension of a previous activity, conversation, or train of thought over into what we are about to do. Before setting off on your hike, take a few moments to allow yourself to come into the present moment (try the “Note the Pause between Breaths” practice), letting go of any thoughts or concerns that might be on your mind.
Consciously Engage Your Senses
Making the effort to stop along the way and bring conscious awareness to your senses will not only bring you into the present moment and deepen your connection to your surroundings, it will also bring your mind and body back into a state of balance. Your body will start to relax and your mind will begin to settle.
It is estimated that approximately 90% of our attention is taken up with our thoughts. That leaves just about 10% of our attention for our bodies. By consciously holding our awareness in our bodies, without forcing anything, we can encourage the body to begin to soften and relax. Throughout your hike, stop every now and again and try one or more of the following exercises:
It is estimated that approximately 90% of our attention is taken up with our thoughts. That leaves just about 10% of our attention for our bodies. By consciously holding our awareness in our bodies, without forcing anything, we can encourage the body to begin to soften and relax.
Sense Practices — Look
Enjoy a few moments in silence as you look around and consciously engage your sense of sight. Start by turning around slowly and deliberately taking in the 360-degree view as you do.
Look up—explore the sky, the patterns in the clouds, the canopy of trees above. Look down—notice shadows, patterns, colors, and textures on the ground. Sit or lie down for a moment to absorb your surroundings.
Now look closely at an object that catches your attention, such as a leaf or the bark on a tree. Allow your gaze to soften as you explore the object. Gently observe its colors, shape, and texture. Look for subtle details you might have missed at first glance. Allow yourself to become really curious about what you’re looking at.
In this exercise simply stop and enjoy a few moments in silence as you consciously engage your sense of listening. Even after you’ve finished the exercise and started walking again, try to remember from time to time to slow
down and consciously tune into that sense of listening.
If it feels comfortable for you to do so, close your eyes. Or, if you prefer, simply lower your eyes, keeping your gaze soft. Allow yourself a few moments to settle into your body.
Begin to tune into the sounds around you. There’s no need to search for sounds. See if you can simply allow sounds to come to you. You might notice the sound of the wind in the trees; the sound of birds; the voices of other hikers in the distance.
Do your best to experience sounds as pure sensations. Notice if your mind wants to label or judge sounds. This is very normal and simply what the mind does. See if you can notice any such commentary and gently guide your attention back to the experience of listening. And, as you continue hiking, pause from time to time to more consciously engage your other senses.
Stop and tune into the sensation of the sun or cool breeze against your skin. If you notice an object with an interesting texture—a rock covered in soft, velvety moss, for example—explore it with your hands focusing quite deliberately on your sense of touch.