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Practice the Power of the Long Exhale
12 Minute Meditation

Practice the Power of the Long Exhale 

Breathe into challenging movement with a longer exhale, whether that be hitting laps on the stairs, running, hiking, climbing, or a high intensity workout. Read More 

  • Georgina Miranda
  • March 7, 2023
7 Ways for Leaders to Cultivate Self-Compassion

7 Ways for Leaders to Cultivate Self-Compassion 

Compassion is the emerging paradigm of great leadership, writes Georgina Miranda—yet the most challenging part may be cultivating compassion for ourselves. Here she offers practical ways leaders can show themselves the same kindness they wish to show others. Read More 

  • Georgina Miranda
  • March 16, 2022
How Mindfulness Helps Me Thrive with Asthma—A woman in a red jacket reaches a mountain peak surrounded by other mountains.

How Mindfulness Helps Me Thrive with Asthma 

When Georgina Miranda was diagnosed with severe asthma, she realized how working with mindfulness could help her find the courage not only to summit mountains, but also to slow down and embrace taking things one breath at a time. Read More 

  • Georgina Miranda
  • November 6, 2021

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