How to Sit in Meditation for Beginners—A woman and a child sit on a couch with their legs crossed and eyes closed. They're both smiling.

How to Sit in Meditation for Beginners 

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to finding the best meditation posture and seating arrangement for you—it takes time to familiarize yourself with your body and what it needs. Read More

  • Elisha Goldstein

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7 Ways to Ease Your Anxious Mind - Confused memory, remember mind. Puzzled chaos. Person amnesia. Anxious thoughts

7 Ways to Ease Your Anxious Mind 

Elisha Goldstein, psychologist and founder of the Mindful Living Collective, offers seven daily practices to help us feel calm and stay grounded in uncertain times. Read More 

  • Elisha Goldstein
  • May 8, 2020
What to do When Thoughts Arise While Meditating - Paper clouds arranged together on a blue background

What to Do When Thoughts Arise While Meditating 

The mind often wanders in meditation—and it’s normal. Elisha Goldstein, psychologist and founder of the Mindful Living Collective, explores how to deal with both important and irrelevant ideas that come up. Read More 

  • Elisha Goldstein
  • April 27, 2020
Mindful Family

7 Things Mindful Families Do Differently 

Busy schedules, digital devices, long commutes—all of this leads to families who are disconnected from each other as never before. Here are 7 ways mindfulness can strengthen your relationships, increase your well-being, and bring the family back together. Read More 

  • Elisha Goldstein and Stefanie Goldstein
  • January 27, 2020
Making New Habits Stick

How to Make Your New Habits Stick This Year 

Making change is easier when you build new habits into your existing routine and have compassion for yourself along the way. Here are a few practical tips to help make your changes stick. Read More 

  • Elisha Goldstein
  • January 3, 2020

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