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The Power of Humility: Breaking Confirmation Bias for Deeper Connection, Compassion, and Learning

The Power of Humility: Breaking Confirmation Bias for Deeper Connection, Compassion, and Learning 

Research shows that intellectual humility can offer far-reaching benefits for both individuals and our society as a whole. Leaders in mindfulness and research break down the science of overcoming confirmation bias and the self-work that can open us up to new perspectives, productive collaboration, and compassion. Read More 

  • Barry Boyce, Susan Kaiser Greenland, and Steven Hickman
  • September 14, 2023
Arrow icon made of wooden cubes with arrows on cubes pointing in opposite directions.
Mental Health

The Power and Pitfalls of the Human Need for Bias 

Bias is a natural human tendency that can be both helpful and harmful. While biases serve as shortcuts for quick decision-making, they can also lead to prejudice and hinder personal growth. By learning how to recognize our biases, we can strive for a more balanced outlook. Read More 

  • Barry Boyce
  • July 7, 2023
Darts missing a dart board
Mindful Meditation

Letting Go of the Need to Win 

When we embrace the fact that failure is a natural part of being human, we may stumble onto a sense of simple joy that is the pinnacle of achievement. Read More 

  • Barry Boyce
  • July 4, 2023
The Benefits of Taking Your Time

The Benefits of Taking Your Time 

Mindful founding editor Barry Boyce explores how alternative ways of measuring time can help us find more ease and acceptance in daily life. Read More 

  • Barry Boyce
  • April 30, 2023

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