
Why Do We Feel Awe? 

According to Dacher Keltner, there are important evolutionary reasons: It's good for our minds, bodies, and social connections. Read More

  • Dacher Keltner

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Get Your Energy Back with These Adrenal Health Tips

Why Our Brains Love Gossip 

Dacher Keltner, director of the Berkeley Social Interaction Lab, explains how gossip can be a social practice that works for the greater good. Read More 

  • Dacher Keltner
  • May 27, 2021
Person speaking in front of audience

What Are You Afraid Of? 

Public speaking is one of the most common fears people experience. Explore this mindfulness practice for conquering those butterflies in your stomach—without picturing the audience in their underwear. [Podcast] Read More 

  • Dacher Keltner
  • July 3, 2018
Man looking angry

Feeling Angry? Try This 

When anger builds, do you fall into it, or are you able to let it pass? This mindfulness practice creates space between your thoughts and your emotions, so you can let go of negative feelings. Read More 

  • Dacher Keltner
  • June 22, 2018
woman's feet

How to Find Your Best Possible Self 

Does imagining your future make you more happy—or more anxious? Taking just 15 minutes every day to write down what you want to do in the future can help you realize what's most important to you, and put you on a path to achieving you goals. [Podcast] Read More 

  • Dacher Keltner
  • May 4, 2018
Couple talking

36 Questions That Help You Fall In Love 

Explore this research-backed questionnaire that not only brings couples closer together but can also reduce prejudice and break down barriers between people. [Podcast] Read More 

  • Dacher Keltner
  • April 20, 2018

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