Love is in the Air

With June being such a popular month for weddings, here is a selection of Mindful stories that celebrate love—and also offer a fresh perspective on relationships.

“If music be the food of love, play on.” —Twelfth Night, William Shakespeare

Eat, Pray, Love—and Marry: Eat Pray Love’s author Elizabeth Gilbert talks about the business of falling madly in love and what it takes to maintain a marriage.

Engaged for Life: Yoga practice can be like a microcosm for what you’re experiencing in life, says yoga teacher Meredith Bailey. She explains how, when change makes her world new and foreign, sometimes it helps to look at it upside down.

The Perfect Love We Seek, the Imperfect Love We Live: Love is what we long to receive and to give, yet our intimate relationships are conflicted and often painful. Psychologist John Welwood reveals the difference between absolute and relative love, and the wound within each of us that no other can heal.

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